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Thank you to each of you for serving as a member of The Melonhead Foundation Board of Trustees for 2016. Once again we have completed a successful year and successfully provided financial support to local families in Arizona experiencing childhood cancer.
The Financial Report will be presented by Laura Hudson, Treasurer. It is presented as our year end fiscal report in an excel file.
Our Patient Aid Assistance Program, as our primary focus, completed another successful year. Our Third Quarter awards total $1848.43. Our Fourth Quarter awards total $3606.38. Our final numbers for 2016 were 18 families and awards totaling $14,146.53. Year to date from our inception is 580 families awarded $488,725.97. Our goal for 2017 is to reach $500,000. As 2017 is our 20th Anniversary this will be a landmark achievement.
In 2016, our grants were as follows:
Phoenix Suns – $5000, Home Goods – $5000, Sundt Foundation – $1000, and Arizona Diamondbacks – $10,000. (this money is received in January 2017).
Our 2016 fundraising events were very successful. Roy’s Makahiki & Wine Tasting raised $9515. The Meikel Hansen Annual Bowlathon raised $9740. The 10th Annual Charity Drag Bingo raised $38050 in its final year. Keelin’s Holiday Event raised $3842 and supported 4 families. The Gooding Car Auction Liquor License $2000 paid in January.
Our ongoing resources still include Arizona Tax Credit Annually – $800 per couples, $400 per individual. We are a write-in charity for United Way, our number is 8200. Continue to be on the watch for new grant funding and business partners.
Thank you for creating another successful year for The Melonhead Foundation. I am grateful for your continued support.
Our Annual Board meeting was held January 14, 2014 completing our fiscal year reporting for 2013. As The Melonhead Foundation continues to be more successful each year I am grateful and aware that we accomplish this as a collective group focused on our positive intentions. The Foundation posted yet another banner year financially for Patient Assistance Programs. In addition, we completed our third and final successful year at the Wannahealyah Wellness Center providing more services for our patients through Holistic Protocols available at no charge to our Melonhead families. We could not have accomplished this without each of you. We are grateful.
The best news of the year is that we awarded over $67,700 in Patient Services Programs. In comparison we awarded $37,305 in Patient Programs in the previous year of 2012.A significant increase due to partnerships with some of our families at the Wellness Center.
Our unique business model continues to be the dominating factor in our success. Due to our volunteer run organization, including Board Members and event organizers, we posted increased revenues and lowered expenses. The Melonhead Foundation wishes to extend our gratitude for our continued support from AVPS, Arizona Diamondbacks, Phoenix Suns, Roy’s Restaurant, Phoenix Coyotes, Harrah’s Ak-Chin Resort, AVNET, Four Peaks Brewery, Hooters and SWIHA. Each of these organizations provided funding for our programs through grants or special events.
Continuing our focus on the goal to “work smarter not harder”, our volunteers posted remarkable achievements financially in 2013. Total income increased by 4.9%, Gross profits increased by 9.4% and our Patient Programs increased by 218%. In light of the economic conditions across the nation, we at The Melonhead Foundation are proud of our accomplishments for 2013 fiscal year.
Our donations and grants remained status quo in 2013, however the special events that we created and manage increased in revenues to account for our prosperity. These include Makahiki for Melonhead, Maricopa Loves Melonhead, Drag Bingo and Run for Abigail (partnership with the Goss family).This is a great testimony for the dedication and commitment of our volunteers, sponsor and supporters. We are ever grateful.
Our greatest accomplishment for 2013 was the continued work of the Wannahealyah Wellness Center (WWC) in Tempe, AZ. Our focus on Natural Healing and Holistic Services was the original vision of The Melonhead Foundation dating back to 1995. While we diversified our Patient Services to include financial aid we never lost site of the dream. The humanitarian spirit of each Holistic Specialist donating their services to our Melonhead Families at no charge completed the process for the dream to become a reality. The center allowed us to partner with our families on a more personal level, not only providing for physical needs, but also the emotional and mental. We were able to assist in their fund raising events and learn a few new programs as well. Because our financial aid is given through the local social workers, most times we do not get to meet our families. Through the wellness center we were lucky to participate with our families on a very personal level. It is unfortunate we did not receive outside funding needed to continue the WWC, however we believe it made a difference in its brief 3 years.
The center gave birth to a new aspect of our wellness program. Each Holistic Specialist who participated in the center has agreed to continue to treat our Melonhead Families at no charge for healing, even though we are not under the same roof. This was a remarkable and unexpected benefit and allows the foundation to keep its focus on providing resources for wellness.
We are grateful to our retiring trustees James Christian, Paul Farney, Nathan Rhoton and Andre St. Pierre. All of them will continue to support our cause and events but cannot continue with the time commitment to the board. We bid farewell to our Administrative assistant, Penny Holubowsky. I especially appreciate her support during the 3 years we operated the wellness center.
It is the intention of The Melonhead Foundation that our cause continues to be supported by the community and that our families continue to reap the benefits of such a dedicated group of people changing the paradigm of charitable giving.
Annual Report 2012
Our Annual Board meeting was held January 15, 2013 completing our fiscal year reporting for 2012. As The Melonhead Foundation continues to be more successful each year I am grateful and aware that we accomplish this as a collective group focused on our positive intentions. The Foundation posted yet another banner year financially for Patient Assistance Programs. In addition, we completed a second successful year at the Wannahealyah Wellness Center providing more services for our patients through Holistic Protocols available at no charge to our Melonhead families. We could not have accomplished this without each of you. We are grateful.
The best news of the year is that we awarded over $37,305 in Patient Services Programs. $21,224 in assistance and $16,081 in Holistic Services to our families at the Wannahealyah Wellness Center (WWC). The WWC awards doubled from 2011. In comparison we awarded $33,000 in Patient Programs in the previous year of 2011.