Thank you to each of you for serving as a member of The Melonhead Foundation Board of Trustees for 2016. Once again we have completed a successful year and successfully provided financial support to local families in Arizona experiencing childhood cancer.

The Financial Report will be presented by Laura Hudson, Treasurer. It is presented as our year end fiscal report in an excel file.

Our Patient Aid Assistance Program, as our primary focus, completed another successful year. Our Third Quarter awards total $1848.43. Our Fourth Quarter awards total $3606.38. Our final numbers for 2016 were 18 families and awards totaling $14,146.53. Year to date from our inception is 580 families awarded $488,725.97. Our goal for 2017 is to reach $500,000. As 2017 is our 20th Anniversary this will be a landmark achievement.

In 2016, our grants were as follows:

Phoenix Suns – $5000, Home Goods – $5000, Sundt Foundation – $1000, and Arizona Diamondbacks – $10,000. (this money is received in January 2017).

Our 2016 fundraising events were very successful. Roy’s Makahiki & Wine Tasting raised $9515. The Meikel Hansen Annual Bowlathon raised $9740. The 10th Annual Charity Drag Bingo raised $38050 in its final year. Keelin’s Holiday Event raised $3842 and supported 4 families.  The Gooding Car Auction Liquor License $2000 paid in January.

Our ongoing resources still include Arizona Tax Credit Annually – $800 per couples, $400 per individual. We are a write-in charity for United Way, our number is 8200. Continue to be on the watch for new grant funding and business partners.

Thank you for creating another successful year for The Melonhead Foundation. I am grateful for your continued support.