The Melonhead Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization that supports the needs of children with cancer and their families.
The Foundation provides financial aid for families of children 21 years of age or younger, with any diagnosis of cancer. Funds pay for housing, utilities, auto expenses, medical bills, personal needs and Holistic Wellness. Our home base is Arizona and families can contact us through their local social workers at Pediatric Cancer Hospitals.
As of January 1, 2019, Melonhead has awarded $520,000 to 605 families. Our first award was given in 1999. In those 20 years, our volunteer board members and event volunteers have given their support generously. We are a volunteer run organization.
In 2019 The Melonhead Foundation will continue with our mission. We are harmonizing with the social media avenue of giving through Amazon Smiles, Arizona Tax Credit, Facebook Fundraisers, Grants and benefactors. Our philanthropic vibration continues.